Course Duration
The course lasts three years. It covers a closely interwoven mixture of theory and practice:
- theoretical studies at the College lasting 24 months
- a 12-month period of practical experience at various state Justice Department offices.
Legal Status during the Training Programme
On being accepted as trainee graduate court registrar, applicants are appointed as temporary civil servants and are officially designated as "graduate court registrar cadets".
The Training Programme
The training course is subdivided into four blocks as follows:
- Stage I (Theoretical): 12 months
at the Schwetzingen Technical Institute, combined with a two-days introduction at a Court; - Stage (Practical): 12 months
at a Court and in a Public Prosecutor's office; - Stage II (Theoretical): (12 months)
at the Schwetzingen Technical Institute.
Examination and Award of Degree
The training course concludes with the final for graduate court registrars. Successful examination candidates are awarded the degree
"Diplom Rechtspfleger (FH)" [= "Graduate Court Registrar (TI)"]
Pay (Salary)
During the period of training (the so-called probation period), trainees are paid a trainee's allowance (salary) according to the German
Public Service Remuneration Act.