Das Bild zeigt einen Stift und ein Blatt Papier. Das Papier trägt den Aufdruck BEWERBUNG
Das Bild zeigt einen Stift und ein Blatt Papier. Das Papier trägt den Aufdruck BEWERBUNG


It is not possible to apply directly to the Schwetzingen Technical Institute & Graduate Court Registrars' College

Responsible Employing Authorities

Applications are to be submitted to the state/part of the state in which the practical part of the course is to be carried out and where the students' will later be working.
Details can be found on the websites of the employing authorities:

  • Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe -Verwaltungsabteilung-,
    Hoffstraße 10, 76133 Karlsruhe  Homepage
  • Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart -Verwaltungsabteilung-
    Olgastr. 2, 70182 Stuttgart  Homepage
  • Oberlandesgericht Koblenz,
    Stresemannstraße 1, 56068 Koblenz  Homepage
  • Pfälzisches Oberlandesgericht Zweibrücken,
    Schlossplatz 7, 66482 Zweibrücken  Homepage
  • Ministerium der Justiz des Saarlandes,
    Zähringerstraße 12, 66119 Saarbrücken  Homepage

Date of Appointment

is 1 September each year.

The number of appointments depends on forecast future requirements. Seriously handicapped applicants will receive preference if they are otherwise found to be suitable.

Qualifications for Appointment
Only those applicants can be employed as so-called trainees who fulfil the statutory requirements for appointment as permanent civil servants.
Further information on qualifications for appointment (previous school education, age limit etc.), the deadline for applications and the documents accompanying the application can be obtained from the internet websites of the respective appointment authorities.

Qualifications for Appointment

Only those applicants can be employed as so-called trainees who fulfil the statutory requirements for appointment as permanent civil servants.
Further information on qualifications for appointment (previous school education, age limit etc.), the deadline for applications and the documents accompanying the application can be obtained from the internet websites of the respective appointment authorities.

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